Category:MSX-BASIC Instructions
This page was last modified 14:08, 28 December 2023 by Mars2000you. Based on work by Gdx and NYYRIKKI and others.



Below is a list of all standard MSX-BASIC instructions, that are not linked to a localisation (Arabic, Japanese, Korean), the presence or addition of a device such as a disk drive or a RS-232C interface, or the usage of a program that adds specific new instructions.

Generally, all instructions corresponding to a MSX generation will also work on the higher generations, but there are some exceptions, for example the instructions related to the data recorder will not work on a MSX turbo R.

Although the instructions added by MSX-BASIC 4.0 (MSX turbo R) begin with CALL, they are included in the standard MSX-BASIC instructions, even though they have a syntax typical of an extension.

For all the instructions that are not part of the standard MSX-BASIC instructions, first check this page: MSX-BASIC Extensions.

A few instructions are standard instructions while being at the same time linked to a specific MSX-BASIC extension. The most obvious case is COPY added by the Disk BASIC extension and also present on all MSX2 (and later) computers as a graphical instruction.

Most MSX-BASIC Reserved Words are used by Disk BASIC, and you can divert some of them to create new instructions.

Instructions (ordered per category)

Arithmetic Operators

Instruction Generation Function
- MSX1 Subtraction
+ MSX1 Addition
/ MSX1 Division
\ or ¥ or ₩ MSX1 Division without a digit after the decimal point in result
¥ is used on Japanese MSX instead of \
₩ is used on Korean MSX instead of \
* MSX1 Multiplication
^ MSX1 Root squared
MOD MSX1 Rest resulting of a division

Call/Return, Jump and Loop

Instruction Generation Function
FOR...NEXT MSX1 Sets up a loop in order to repeat several times a block of instructions
GOSUB MSX1 Calls a subroutine located on the specified line number
GOTO MSX1 Jumps to the specified line number and execute the instructions from there
RETURN MSX1 Returns from a subroutine that was invoked by GOSUB

Clock & Timing

Instruction Generation Function
CALL PAUSE MSX turbo R Stops execution of a BASIC program for the specified time
Short version: _PAUSE
GET DATE MSX2 Reads the date in the SRAM of the Real Time Clock (RTC)
GET TIME MSX2 Reads the time in the SRAM of the Real Time Clock (RTC)
INTERVAL MSX1 Changes the way BASIC timer interrupts are handled
ON INTERVAL GOSUB MSX1 Calls a subroutine after the specified timeout has been elapsed
SET DATE MSX2 Sets the date and saves it in the SRAM of the Real Time Clock (RTC)
SET TIME MSX2 Sets the time and saves it in the SRAM of the Real Time Clock (RTC)
TIME MSX1 Timer that is incremented by 1 on each time VDP completes screen draw


Instruction Generation Function
< MSX1 Checks if the first argument is less than the second
Returns -1 or 0 if true or false
> MSX1 Checks if the first argument is greater than the second
Returns -1 or 0 if true or false
= MSX1 Checks if the first argument is equal to the second
Returns -1 or 0 if true or false
>= or => MSX1 Checks if the first argument is greater than the second or equal
Returns -1 or 0 if true or false
<= or =< MSX1 Checks if the first argument is less than the second or equal
Returns -1 or 0 if true or false
<> or >< MSX1 Checks if the first argument is diffent than the second
Returns -1 or 0 if true or false
IF...GOTO...ELSE MSX1 Checks if a condition has been met to jump to number line specified after GOTO
IF...THEN...ELSE MSX1 Checks if a condition has been met to execute instruction(s) specified after THEN
NOT MSX1 Performs a bitwise NOT-operation (logical complement) on an expression
ON...GOSUB MSX1 Can be used to branch execution to certain subroutine depending of condition
ON...GOTO MSX1 Can be used to branch execution to certain line depending of condition

Conversion Functions

Instruction Generation Function
ASC() MSX1 Returns the ASCII value of a character
BIN$() MSX1 Returns a string with the binary representation of a value
CDBL() MSX1 Converts a integer or simple precision value to a double precision value
CHR$() MSX1 Converts a value to the corresponding MSX character
CINT() MSX1 Converts a value to an integer number by truncating numbers after the decimal point
CSNG() MSX1 Converts a variable to a single precision number
HEX$() MSX1 Returns a string with the hexadecimal representation of a value
OCT$() MSX1 Returns a string with the octal representation of a value
STR$() MSX1 Returns a string representation of a numeric variable
VAL() MSX1 Returns the numerical value of the contents of a string

Data Storage


  • The Data Recorder support has been removed from the MSX turbo R
  • Most of these instructions are extended by Disk BASIC and other extensions
Instruction Generation Function
BLOAD MSX1 Loads binary code from the specified device and/or filename
BSAVE MSX1 Saves a specified area of memory to the specified device and/or file name
CLOAD MSX1 Loads a BASIC program from cassette if ithas been saved in tokenized mode with CSAVE
CLOAD? MSX1 Verifies whether or not a BASIC file has been successfully saved to cassette with CSAVE
CLOSE MSX1 Closes one or more opened files and frees corresponding I/O buffer(s)
CSAVE MSX1 Saves a BASIC program to cassette in tokenized mode
EOF() MSX1 Returns whether or not the end of a file has been reached
LOAD MSX1 Loads a BASIC program in the MSX memory and optionally executes it
MAXFILES MSX1 Sets the maximum of files that can be opened simultaneously with the OPEN instruction
MERGE MSX1 Merges a BASIC program saved in ASCII text to the program currently in the MSX memory
MOTOR MSX1 Turns the motor of the data tape recorder on or off
OPEN MSX1 Opens a file for a specific direction in a specified device
RUN MSX1 Executes a BASIC program present in the MSX memory or after loading
SAVE MSX1 Saves the BASIC program present in the MSX memory to a device
VARPTR() MSX1 Returns a pointer to the beginning of FCB associated with a file number
or the actual memory address of the first byte of the variable passed
(FCB = File Control Block)


Instruction Generation Function
CONT MSX1 Attempts to continue an MSX-BASIC program from where it was interrupted
FRE() MSX1 Returns the amount of bytes in memory which can be used for BASIC programs,
variables, etc.. or specifically for strings
TROFF MSX1 Disables tracing of MSX-BASIC program execution
TRON MSX1 Enables tracing of MSX-BASIC program execution


Instruction Generation Function
COPY SCREEN MSX2 Digitizes picture from video input and copies it to VRAM (on!y screens 5 to 8 and 10 to 12)
Optional, can be used only on machines with an internal or external digitizer
SET VIDEO MSX2 Sets superimposition and digitization modes
Optional, can be used only on machines with an internal or external digitizer


Instruction Generation Function
CIRCLE MSX1 Draws a circle, arc or ellipse on a graphic screen (2 to 8, 10 to 12)
CLS MSX1 Clears the screen and resets the cursor coordinates for text
This instruction is extended by Delta BASIC
COLOR MSX1 Changes the color(s) to be used for the foreground, background and border
Updated since MSX2 and MSX2+, extended by Hangul BASIC and Kanji BASIC
COLOR= MSX2 Alters MSX color palette, loads default color palette or restores color palette from VRAM
COPY MSX2 Copies data between RAM and VRAM (standard MSX2 instruction)
Must not be confused with the COPY instruction added by Disk BASIC
CSRLIN MSX1 Returns the vertical coordinate of the cursor
DRAW MSX1 Executes instructions of a Graphics Macro Language (GML) to draw complex figures
LINE MSX1 Draws a line or a rectangle on a graphic screen (2 to 8, 10 to 12)
Updated since MSX2
LOCATE MSX1 Controls text cursor position and visibility in text modes
This instruction is extended by Delta BASIC
OPEN MSX1 Opens a file for a specific direction in a specified device
This instruction is extended by many extensions
PAINT MSX1 Fills the zone of a drawing in graphic screen with the specified color
POINT MSX1 Returns the color number of the specified point in graphic screen
POS() MSX1 Returns the horizontal coordinate of the cursor
PRESET MSX1 Puts a point of specified color on a graphic screen (2 to 8, 10 to 12)
If not specified the current background color is chosen - Updated since MSX2
PRINT or ? MSX1 Displays and formats text and numbers on the screen
or sends formatted data to different devices
PSET MSX1 Puts a point of specified color on a graphic screen (2 to 8, 10 to 12)
If not specified the current plot color is chosen - Updated since MSX2
PUT KANJI MSX2 Displays kanji on graphic screen (only screen modes 5 to 8 and 10 to 12)
Related to Kanji BASIC
SCREEN MSX1 Sets display mode and several other parameters
Updated since MSX2 and MSX2+, extended by Arabic BASIC and Hangul BASIC
SET ADJUST MSX2 Sets the top left point of the MSX screen (without the borders) and stores
the coordinates in the SRAM of the Real Time Clock (RTC)
SET PAGE MSX2 Defines display page and active page for screens 5 to 8 and 10 to 12
SET SCREEN MSX2 Stores in the SRAM of the Real Time Clock (RTC) the parameters corresponding
to COLOR, KEY ON / OFF, SCREEN and WIDTH instructions
SET SCROLL MSX2+ Performs horizontal and vertical scrolling of the screen contents
SPC() MSX1 Inserts a variable amount of spaces in a PRINT or LPRINT instruction
TAB() MSX1 Inserts amount of spaces needed to reach a position in a PRINT or LPRINT instruction
WIDTH MSX1 Sets the number of columns on current or last used text mode
Updated since MSX2, extended by Hangul BASIC and Kanji BASIC

Error Handling

Instruction Generation Function
ERL MSX1 Returns the line number in which an error occured
ERR MSX1 Returns the code number of the error that occured
Codes are added by extensions such as Disk BASIC, Delta BASIC
ERROR MSX1 Simulates an error that is specified by its code
Codes are added by extensions such as Disk BASIC, Delta BASIC
ON ERROR GOTO MSX1 Jumps to a specified line of an error handling routine, whenever an eror occurs
RESUME MSX1 Jumps to a specified line after execution of the ON ERROR GOTO error handling routine

Input/Output Bus

Instruction Generation Function
INP() MSX1 Returns the value of an input port
OUT MSX1 Writes a value to an output port
WAIT MSX1 Reads the specified I/O port and suspends the BASIC program execution
until the result of the read value modified by 2 specified values equals zero

Keyboard and/or Controllers

Instruction Generation Function
CALL ADJUST MSX2 Enables internal light pen interface - Short version: _ADJUST
Only on non-Korean MSX2 computers manufactured by Daewoo
and maybe also on Sanyo MPC-X Graphic Expander Unit and Sanyo MPC-27 computer
This instruction is part of Hangul BASIC on the Korean MSX2 computers
INKEY$ MSX1 Returns either a single character read from the keyboard or an empty string
INPUT MSX1 Retrieves data from the keyboard or reads data from a sequential file
INPUT$() MSX1 Returns a string characters of defined length retrieved from keyboard or a sequential file
KEY MSX1 Lists or chage the contents of the function keys, enables or disables their display
KEY() MSX1 Enables/disables/stops a function key
LINE INPUT MSX1 Retrieves a complete string from the keyboard or a sequential file
ON KEY GOSUB MSX1 Defines subroutine to execute when a function key is pressed down.
ON STOP GOSUB MSX1 Defines subroutine to execute when CTRL+STOP is pressed down
ON STRIG GOSUB MSX1 Defines subroutine to execute when space key or a joystick/mouse button is pressed down
OPEN MSX1 Opens a file for a specific direction in a specified device
This instruction is extended by many extensions
PAD() MSX1 Returns infos about input devices: graphic tablet or touchpad, light pen, mouse or trackball
Instruction updated since MSX2 - Light pen support removed on MSX turbo R
PDL() MSX1 Returns the position of asked paddle, connected to a joystick port
Paddle controllers support removed on MSX turbo R - Devices unused on MSXPLAYer
STICK() MSX1 Returns the direction of the cursor keys or the joysticks
STRIG() MSX1 Returns the state of the space key and the joystick/mouse/trackball buttons or
enables/disables/stops call to subroutine when pressing the space key or these buttons

Logical Operators

Instruction Generation Function
AND MSX1 Performs a bitwise AND-operation (logical conjunction) between two expressions
EQV MSX1 Performs a bitwise EQV-operation (logical equivalence) between two expressions
IMP MSX1 Performs a bitwise IMP-operation (logical implication) between two expressions
NOT MSX1 Performs a bitwise NOT-operation (logical complement) on an expression
OR MSX1 Performs a bitwise OR-operation (logical inclusive or) between two expressions
XOR MSX1 Performs a bitwise OR-operation (logical inclusive or) between two expressions

Mathematical Functions

Instruction Generation Function
ABS() MSX1 Returns the absolute value of a value
EXP() MSX1 Returns mathematical constant e (base of natural logarithm) to the power of a specified number
FIX() MSX1 Returns the integer part of a variable by truncating numbers after the decimal point
FN MSX1 Performs the functions defined by DEF FN
INT() MSX1 Returns the largest integer equal to or smaller than a variable
LOG() MSX1 Returns the natural logarithm (base e=2.718281884588) of a number
RND() MSX1 Returns a pseudo-random value between 0 and 1
SGN() MSX1 Returns the sign (positive of negative) of a variable
SQR() MSX1 Returns the square root of a variable

New BASIC Instructions/Machine Language Functions

Instruction Generation Function
CALL or _ MSX1 Allows to extend the existing BASIC instructions
Instruction for machine language experts
DEF USR MSX1 Defines the start address of a machine language routine
USR() MSX1 Calls a subroutine in machine language, defined with DEF USR, and passes a value to it


Instruction Generation Function
LLIST MSX1 Sends the program, or a part of it, in memory to the printer
LPOS() MSX1 Returns the current memory address of the print head within the printer buffer
LPRINT MSX1 Prints and formats text and numbers to a connected printer
OPEN MSX1 Opens a file for a specific direction in a specified device
This instruction is extended by many extensions


Instruction Generation Function
 : MSX1 Separator between two instructions
AUTO MSX1 Starts automatic line numbering
DELETE MSX1 Erases part of an MSX-BASIC program from memory
ELSE MSX1 Skips the rest of the line
END MSX1 Closes all open files (if any) and ends program execution
LIST MSX1 Displays the program, or a part of it, in memory on screen
NEW MSX1 Erases the MSX-BASIC program in RAM, clears all variables and closes all open files
REM or ' MSX1 Add remarks to the source code
RENUM MSX1 Renumbers the lines of a program in memory and the references to these lines
RUN MSX1 Executes a BASIC program present in the MSX memory or after loading
Instruction extended by Disk BASIC and other extensions
STOP MSX1 Stops the execution of a program or handles calling to subroutine after CTRL+STOP


Instruction Generation Function
SET PASSWORD MSX2 Sets a system password and stores it in the SRAM of the Real Time Clock (RTC)
SET PROMPT MSX2 Modifies the 'Ok' prompt and saves it in the SRAM of the Real Time Clock (RTC)
SET TITLE MSX2 Changes title and colors of the initial logo screen at system startup
and saves these parameters in the SRAM of the Real Time Clock (RTC)

RAM Access

Instruction Generation Function
PEEK() MSX1 Returns the value read from a byte of the memory (RAM)
POKE MSX1 Writes a value to a byte of the memory (RAM)
VARPTR() MSX1 Returns a pointer to the beginning of file work area or the
actual memory address of the first byte of the variable passed

Sound and Music

Instruction Generation Function
BEEP MSX1 Lets the PSG produce a simple 'beep' sound
CALL PCMPLAY MSX turbo R Plays a PCM audio file, first loaded in RAM or VRAM with BLOAD or an array with COPY
Short version: _PCMPLAY
CALL PCMREC MSX turbo R Records a PCM audio file in RAM, VRAM or as an array by using the built-in microphone
Short version: _PCMREC
PLAY MSX1 Executes Music Macro Language (MML) instructions to play notes on PSG channel(s)
This instruction is extended by MSX-AUDIO BASIC and MSX-MUSIC BASIC
PLAY() MSX1 Checks if music is being played via PSG channels
SET BEEP MSX2 Modifies the timbre and the volume of the 'beep' sound produced by the PSG
The settings are stored to the SRAM of the Real Time Clock (RTC)
SOUND MSX1 Writes a value in a specific PSG register (Instruction for PSG experts)


Instruction Generation Function
COLOR SPRITE() MSX2 Changes entirely the color of a sprite on screens 4 to 8 and 10 to 12
COLOR SPRITE$() MSX2 Changes the color for an horizontal line of a sprite on screens 4 to 8 and 10 to 12
ON SPRITE GOSUB MSX1 Defines a subroutine to execute when two or more sprites have collided on screen
PUT SPRITE MSX1 Displays a sprite
Updated version since MSX2 for sprites on screens 4 to 8 and 10 to 12
SPRITE MSX1 Changes the way BASIC sprite collision interrupts are handled
SPRITE$() MSX1 Defines a sprite's outlook (or pattern) and works like a regular 1-dimensional string array

String Handling

Instruction Generation Function
INSTR() MSX1 Returns position of first occurrence of a substring in a string, this from a specified position
LEFT$() MSX1 Returns a string corresponding to a number of the leftmost characters from an original string
LEN() MSX1 Returns the length of a string, including all non-printable characters
MID$() MSX1 Returns a string corresponding to a number of characters from an original string,
this from a specified position - Can also replace a substring by another string
RIGHT$() MSX1 Returns a string corresponding to a number of the rightmost characters from an original string
SPACE$() MSX1 Generates a string with a specified number of spaces
STRING$() MSX1 Returns a string with a variable length, all containing either the same character,
which is defined as an ASCII code or the first character of a string

Trigonometric Functions

Instruction Generation Function
ATN() MSX1 Returns the arctangent of a variable
COS() MSX1 Returns the cosine of a variable in radians
SIN() MSX1 Returns the cosine of a variable in radians
TAN() MSX1 Returns the tangent of a variable

Variable Settings

Instruction Generation Function
= MSX1 Defines a variable - see LET
CLEAR MSX1 Clears the contents of all variables and arrays, closes all open files
DATA MSX1 Stores data in a program (e.g. graphics), to be read with READ
DEFDBL MSX1 Defines a variable or a range of variables as double precision
DEF FN MSX1 Defines a function which returns user-specified output based on optional variables
DEFINT MSX1 Defines a variable or a range of variables as integer
DEFSNG MSX1 Defines a variable or a range of variables as single precision
DEFSTR MSX1 Defines a variable or a range of variables as string.
DIM MSX1 Reserves memory for the specified variables and initializes the array(s)
ERASE MSX1 Frees memory by erasing one or more arrays
LET MSX1 Assigns a value to a specified variable
Optional instruction, can be omitted
READ MSX1 Returns next value(s) that has been stored in the program source by using DATA
RESTORE MSX1 Sets the line number where READ instruction can read next value
SWAP MSX1 Exchanges the contents of two variables


Instruction Generation Function
BASE MSX1 Returns the first VRAM address for a specific purpose (all screens)
or modifies it (only screens 0 to 3)
Instruction for VDP experts (updaded since MSX2 and MSX2+)
VDP() MSX1 Reads the content of a VDP register, or writes a value in a VDP register
Instruction for VDP experts (updaded since MSX2 and MSX2+)
VPEEK() MSX1 Returns the value of a byte within the video memory (VRAM)
Instruction updated since MSX2
VPOKE MSX1 Writes a value to a byte of the video memory (VRAM)
Instruction updated since MSX2

Instructions (alphabetical order)

Instruction Generation Updates Type
- MSX1 Arithmetic Operators
+ MSX1 Arithmetic Operators
/ MSX1 Arithmetic Operators
\ or ¥ or ₩ MSX1 Arithmetic Operators
* MSX1 Arithmetic Operators
^ MSX1 Arithmetic Operators
< MSX1 Conditions
> MSX1 Conditions
= MSX1 Conditions
>= or => MSX1 Conditions
<= or =< MSX1 Conditions
<> or >< MSX1 Conditions
 : MSX1 Programming
= MSX1 Variable Settings
ABS() MSX1 Mathematical Functions
AND MSX1 Logical Operators
ASC() MSX1 Conversion Functions
ATN() MSX1 Trigonometric Functions
AUTO MSX1 Programming
BEEP MSX1 MSX2 Sound and Music
BIN$() MSX1 Conversion Functions
BLOAD MSX1 Data Storage
BSAVE MSX1 Data Storage
CALL or _ MSX1 New BASIC Instructions/ML Functions
CALL ADJUST MSX2 Keyboard and/or Controllers
CALL PAUSE MSX turbo R Clock & Timing
CALL PCMPLAY MSX turbo R Sound and Music
CALL PCMREC MSX turbo R Sound and Music
CDBL() MSX1 Conversion Functions
CHR$() MSX1 Conversion Functions
CINT() MSX1 Conversion Functions
CLEAR MSX1 Variable Settings
CLOAD MSX1 Not for MSX turbo R Data Storage
CLOAD? MSX1 Not for MSX turbo R Data Storage
CLOSE MSX1 Data Storage
CLS MSX1 Display
COLOR MSX1 MSX2, MSX2+ Display
COLOR= MSX2 Display
CONT MSX1 Debugging
COPY MSX2 Display
COS() MSX1 Trigonometric Functions
CSAVE MSX1 Not for MSX turbo R Data Storage
CSNG() MSX1 Conversion Functions
DATA MSX1 Variable Settings
DEFDBL MSX1 Variable Settings
DEF FN MSX1 Variable Settings
DEFINT MSX1 Variable Settings
DEFSNG MSX1 Variable Settings
DEFSTR MSX1 Variable Settings
DEF USR MSX1 New BASIC Instructions/ML Functions
DELETE MSX1 Programming
DIM MSX1 Variable Settings
DRAW MSX1 Display
ELSE MSX1 Programming
END MSX1 Programming
EOF() MSX1 Data Storage
EQV MSX1 Logical Operators
ERASE MSX1 Variable Settings
ERL MSX1 Error Handling
ERR MSX1 Error Handling
ERROR MSX1 Error Handling
EXP() MSX1 Mathematical Functions
FIX() MSX1 Mathematical Functions
FN MSX1 Mathematical Functions
FOR...NEXT MSX1 Call/Return, Jump and Loop
FRE() MSX1 Debugging
GET DATE MSX2 Clock & Timing
GET TIME MSX2 Clock & Timing
GOSUB MSX1 Call/Return, Jump and Loop
GOTO MSX1 Call/Return, Jump and Loop
HEX$() MSX1 Conversion Functions
IF...GOTO...ELSE MSX1 Conditions
IF...THEN...ELSE MSX1 Conditions
IMP MSX1 Logical Operators
INKEY$ MSX1 Keyboard and/or Controllers
INP() MSX1 Input/Output Bus
INPUT MSX1 Keyboard and/or Controllers
INPUT$() MSX1 Keyboard and/or Controllers
INSTR() MSX1 String Handling
INT() MSX1 Mathematical Functions
INTERVAL MSX1 Clock & Timing
KEY MSX1 Keyboard and/or Controllers
KEY() MSX1 Keyboard and/or Controllers
LEFT$() MSX1 String function
LEN() MSX1 String Handling
LET MSX1 Variable Settings
LINE MSX1 MSX2 Display
LINE INPUT MSX1 Keyboard and/or Controllers
LIST MSX1 Programming
LLIST MSX1 Printer
LOAD MSX1 Data Storage
LOG() MSX1 Mathematical Functions
LPOS() MSX1 Printer
MAXFILES MSX1 Data Storage
MERGE MSX1 Data Storage
MID$() MSX1 String Handling
MOD MSX1 Arithmetic Operators
MOTOR MSX1 Not for MSX turbo R Data Storage
NEW MSX1 Programming
NOT MSX1 Conditions
Logical Operators
OCT$() MSX1 Conversion Functions
ON...GOSUB MSX1 Conditions
ON...GOTO MSX1 Conditions
ON ERROR GOTO MSX1 Error Handling
ON KEY GOSUB MSX1 Keyboard and/or Controllers
ON STOP GOSUB MSX1 Keyboard and/or Controllers
ON STRIG GOSUB MSX1 Keyboard and/or Controllers
OPEN MSX1 Data Storage
Keyboard and/or Controllers
OR MSX1 Logical Operators
OUT MSX1 Input/Output Bus
PAD() MSX1 MSX2 Keyboard and/or Controllers
PAINT MSX1 Display
PDL() MSX1 Keyboard and/or Controllers
PEEK() MSX1 RAM Access
PLAY MSX1 Sound and Music
PLAY() MSX1 Sound and Music
POINT MSX1 Display
POS() MSX1 Display
PRINT or ? MSX1 Display
PSET MSX1 MSX2 Display
READ MSX1 Variable Settings
REM or ' MSX1 Programming
RENUM MSX1 Programming
RESTORE MSX1 Variable Settings
RESUME MSX1 Error Handling
RETURN MSX1 Call/Return, Jump and Loop
RIGHT$() MSX1 String Handling
RND() MSX1 Mathematical Functions
RUN MSX1 Data Storage
SAVE MSX1 Data Storage
SET BEEP MSX2 Sound and Music
SET DATE MSX2 Clock & Timing
SET TIME MSX2 Clock & Timing
SET VIDEO MSX2 Digitizer
SGN() MSX1 Mathematical Functions
SIN() MSX1 Trigonometric Functions
SOUND MSX1 Sound and Music
SPACE$() MSX1 String Handling
SPC() MSX1 Display
SPRITE$() MSX1 Sprites
SQR() MSX1 Mathematical Functions
STICK() MSX1 Keyboard and/or Controllers
STOP MSX1 Programming
STR$() MSX1 Conversion Functions
STRIG() MSX1 Keyboard and/or Controllers
STRING$() MSX1 String Handling
SWAP MSX1 Variable Settings
TAB() MSX1 Display
TAN() MSX1 Trigonometric Functions
TIME MSX1 Clock & Timing
TROFF MSX1 Debugging
TRON MSX1 Debugging
USR() MSX1 New BASIC Instructions/ML Functions
VAL() MSX1 Conversion Functions
VARPTR() MSX1 Data Storage
RAM Access
WAIT MSX1 Input/Output Bus
XOR MSX1 Logical Operators